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Dr. Richa Karmakar

BT 322 (Office) & LAB 312, Block 2,

Department Of Biotechnology,

Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Biosciences

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Chennai, India 600036

+91-44-2257-4145 (O), 6145 (Res), 8890 (Lab 312)

Open Positions

Postdocs: I seek motivated and ambitious postdocs to work in experimental biological physics and microfluidics. If you are interested in our research, have a PhD in cellular biophysics, experimental or computational biophysics and would like to contribute to the field, please email your CV and cover letter.


Interns: If you are an undergraduate student at IIT Madras from any department such as Mechanical, electrical, Chemical, Applied Mechanics, or Physics who is looking for a research opportunity, please drop me an email.

 Rk Lab


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