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A complete list of publications can be found on Google scholar or Orcid

Selected publications

  1. Karmakar R*, Karanam A*, Tang M, Rappel W J. (2024) Eukaryotic chemotaxis under periodic stimulation shows temporal gradient dependence. Physical Review Letter. 133: 068401.

  2. Karmakar R*, Tyree T*, Gomer R H, Rappel W J. (2021). Cell dispersal by localized degradation of a chemoattractant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118(6): e2008126118.

  3. Karmakar R*, Tang M*, Yue H, Lombardo D, Karanam A, Camley B A, Groisman A, Rappel W J. (2021) Cellular memory in eukaryotic chemotaxis depends on the background chemoattractant concentration. Physical Review E. 103, 012402. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.103.012402.

  4. Karmakar R±. (2021) State of the art of bacterial chemotaxis. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 61(5):366-379 (±Corresponding author).

  5. Karanam A R, He D, Hsu P K, Schulze S, Dubeaux G, Karmakar R, Schroeder J, Rappel W J. (2021) Boolink: a graphical interface for open access boolean network simulations and use in guard cell CO2 signaling. Plant Physiology. kiab344.

  6. Karmakar R, Schich C, Kamprad N, Scheller V, Gutierrez E, Groisman A, Rappel W J, Tarantola M. (2020). Novel micropatterning technique reveals dependence of cell-substrate adhesion and migration of social amoebas on parental strain, development, and fluorescent markers. PLoS ONE. 15(7): e0236171.

  7. Cao Y*, Karmakar R*, Ghabache E, Gutierrez E, Zhao Y, Groisman A, Levine H, Camley B A, Rappel W J. (2019) Cell motility dependence on adhesive wetting. Soft Matter. 15:2043-2050 (*Co-first author). DOI: 10.1039/C8SM01832D.

  8. Karmakar R*, Naaz F*, Tirumkudulu M S, Venkatesh K V. (2016) Escherichia coli modulates its motor speed on sensing an attractant. Archives of Microbiology; 198(8):827-33. DOI: 10.1007/s00203-016-1255-z.

  9. Karmakar R*, Uday Bhaskar R V S*, Jesudasan R E, Tirumkudulu M S, Venkatesh K V. (2016) Enhancement in swimming speed leads to a more efficient chemotactic response to repellent. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 82(4), 1205-1214. DOI:10.1128/AEM.03397-15.

  10. Uday Bhaskar R V S*, Karmakar R*, Deepika D, Tirumkudulu M S, Venkatesh K V. (2015) Variation of swimming speed enhances the chemotactic migration of Escherichia coli. Systems and Synthetic Biology; 9(3), 85–95. (*Co-first author). DOI: 10.1007/s11693-015-9174-x

  11. Deepika D*, Karmakar R*, Tirumkudulu M S, Venkatesh K V. (2015) Variation in swimming speed of Escherichia coli in response to attractant. Archives of Microbiology; 197(2), 211-222. (*Co-first author). DOI: 10.1007/s00203-014-1044-5

  12. Karmakar R, Gulvady R, Tirumkudulu M S, Venkatesh K V. (2014) Motor characteristics determine the rheological behavior of a suspension of microswimmers. Physics of Fluids; 26, 071905.

  13. Malakar P, Singh V, Karmakar R, Venkatesh K V. (2014) Effect on beta-galactosidase synthesis and burden on growth of osmotic stress in Escherichia coli. SpringerPlus, 3, 748. DOI:10.1186/2193-1801-3-748.

 Rk Lab


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