Experimental Movies
Shallow Roof

Movie 1 - The Dictyostelium discoideum migration in a shallow microfluidic device The DIC movie was taken in 10X. The left-hand side of the channel contains 1000uM CAMP (chemoattractant) in KN2 buffer and the right-hand side of the channel contains only KN2 buffer.
Movie 2 - In the same setup. The fluorescent movies were taken at 10X. The cells express LimE tagged with GFP and Coronin tagged with RFP.

Movie 3,4,5,6 - These fluorescent movies were taken at 63X. The cells express LimE tagged with GFP and Coronin tagged with RFP.
Dicty Development

Movie 7,8 - Development of Dicty from the single cell to the fruiting body.

Movie 9 - Dicty Streaming
Slug Mound

Movie 10 - Movement of Slug. The cells express LimE tagged with GFP (middle panel) and Coronin tagged with RFP (right panel)

Movie 11 - Mound dynamics at the later stage of development. The cells express LimE tagged with GFP (middle panel) and Coronin tagged with RFP (right panel)

Movie 12 - E. coli Biofilm on hydrogel.

Movie 13 ,14- HL-60 Neutrophil-like cell dynamics in microfluidic device.